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When You're Going Through Hell...

Updated: Jul 25, 2022

James 1: 2 “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds,”

In verse 2 of chapter one in James it tells us to count it all joy when we face trials of various kinds. When I first read this passage it took me probably another 4-7 years before I truly understood its meaning. I could never understand how I was expected to be joyful in my trials. I did not like the hardships I was under, I did not like being faced with adversity, and never once did I find joy in them. Perhaps many of reading this have felt the same.

Years later looking back upon the trials I went through, coupled with retrospection I was able to see how much I grew from those trials. I found an appreciation for having gone through them, even if I did not necessary enjoy the trials themselves. Even today knowing what I know, I still find it troublesome to face trial with joy in the trial itself. Fortunately I don’t believe that is what James intends on us to do. He doesn’t expect us to be happy with the troubles of life, he doesn’t expect us to be happy when we are going through a rough patch. Instead I believe James wants us to find our joy not in the trial, but in the knowing that God is with us through the trial. God will use this trial to better us, make us stronger, and teach us to love him more as a result of the trial.

Let me explain, when I am feeling good and life seems to be going splendid, I find that my spiritual growth plateaus. I have discovered that this is due, in large part to, a level of comfort that comes in times of peace. In peace we feel that everything is under our control and subconsciously we place God on the back burner not needing to rely on him. Then when life suddenly falls apart and trials begin attacking us again, we are quickly found on our knees asking God to bring us through the troubles we face.

James is telling us to seek God, seek joy as he is the author and very core of joy, and he will bring us out of every trial stronger and better prepared for the purpose he has for our lives.

1 Peter 1:3-9 “ [3] Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, [4] to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, [5] who by God’s power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. [6] In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, [7] so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. [8] Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory, [9] obtaining the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

Our joy is founded in Christ and knowing that it is through his salvation we are protected, and now can have an eternal personal relationship with God. We do not need to fear death or trials, for at the end of our great race we know that instead of eternal separation from God [which we all deserve] we will spend all of eternity growing in the vastness of God.

Trials are used to sharpen us, and make our faith shine, the more we are tested the stronger our faith becomes. Much like a body builder who wants to grow stronger, must periodically test his body. He must strive to reach levels he could not previously meet. Tearing his muscles apart so that they might be able to continue to grow.

Unlike the body builder when we are tested and our faith grows stronger we do not go and carb load, on junk. Meaning we should not go through a hard time binging on vices like, tobacco, alcohol, entertainment, TV, Facebook, video games, hobbies, crafts, entertainment act…, but instead use the times when we are tested to jump in the Word of God, and let his Words fill the parts of our spirit that have been broken so that they may grow back stronger.

This analogy is also terrible in that it makes it seem as if trials are self induced, which often they can be, but not because we choose them. Trials can arise as a result of our sin. One of the hardest trials I ever personally experienced was the result of my sins towards someone else. It took me many years to give that sin to Christ seeking his forgiveness, as well to also forgive myself. I had to actively seek out forgiveness from the person I wronged. Through this trial I was able to better understand Gods forgiveness, and in understanding his forgiveness for me, has made it easier fro me to now forgive those who sin against me.

This leads me to my next point about trials. It is easy to think God puts us through trials, but its not God throwing us into the fires, as much as, it is him allowing trials to effect us. God delivers down blessings and strength to see our way through trials. Trials themselves are a result of the fall, and come from the sin that impacts this world. Trials come up out of sin, and Gods blessing comes down so that we might endure all that comes upon us while we live on earth.

I also want to add, that for the longest times I thought trials where only those experiences that effect us externally. As I have grown more mature both physically and spiritually, I have realized that trials also come through the direct testing of our Faith. Meaning the things we believe, the teachings we are taught in the Word and how our worldview faces the world, must be tested. In this we may grow spiritually and understand better what we believe and how to love our neighbor, while interacting in a world that seems to constantly fight against our belief system and faith.

A poor example that I have of this, that many will laugh at is the following: Before I was a Christian I had heard the basic/generic stories of how God took a rib from Adam and used it to create Eve. My adolescent brain and lack of a strong faith, when I became a Christian told me that this must mean that Men have one less rib than woman. You can imagine how disappointed I was in biology class when I found this out not to be true. I was truly unsure of my faith at this point in my life and went the whole day through school thinking that if I was wrong in this belief, then all my faith must be wrong. I know this sounds ridiculous but I was young and was very skeptical of Christianity so this one small chip in my very weak armor was almost enough for me to throw it all away.

Later that day I opened up Genesis and found the passage, and read through almost the whole book of Genesis. No where did I find it mentioning that men and women had a difference in rib counts. I continued to search for weeks through the whole bible. In doing this I still never found anything to support my original belief, but I had found passages through out all the Scriptures that opened my mind to a God much larger than I had ever imagined. Instead of my faith failing, my curiosity of God grew, and as a result I studied more and my faith grew stronger.

Today my faith is continually being tested but now my armor is thicker and God has prepared me with the weapons of war to combat it. Now I seek him in prayer, and seek his Word for better understanding. I have yet to find an experience where my faith was made weaker, my beliefs have changed but my faith has only grown, and my understanding of God has expounded.

Below are some reflection questions I like to ask myself when going through this passage. Join me in answering them. Keep a journal where you can always go back to and check your responses. It’s amazing looking back upon your own notes to see how you have grown. Feel free to comment on this blog with your answers or any additional questions you might have.

  1. Do you have unreported sin in your life causing you to go through trials?

  2. Do you have someone you need to seek forgiveness from?

  3. Have you forgiven yourself?

  4. Have you allowed God to forgive you?

  5. What tools has God given you to help guide you through trials?

  6. When you go through trials do you turn to God for help first or do you make him your last resort?

Thank you for joining us this week. Please leave a comment below, all comments are anonymous. If you would like someone to reach out to you please submit a contact sheet on our Ministry page, and one of our team members will reach out. If you have a specific prayer request feel free to send it in and our dedicated team will remain in constant prayer for you. If there is a specific topic you would like us to address or have any questions or seeking any assistance please reach out.

God Bless!

Kyle Statham

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