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Ending Toxic Relationships

This week we are going to hold off on our next passage of Galatians. I had planned to post our next study of Galatians, but heard a sermon yesterday that I really felt could be beneficial to most everyone. This sermon comes from a pastor out in Arizona that I have grown to respect. There are very few people in my life who I can honestly credit to my personal spiritual growth, and Pastor Mark Driscoll is one of them. I have not personally met Pastor Mark, but as a young Christian in the military, having very few good Christian mentors in my life, I was able to find a distant discipleship from Pastor Mark. I learned to study God's word, pray and to handle the trials that God has thrown at me, through the lessons, study guides and personal experience Pastor Mark and his family has gone through.

This week I want you all to join with me and check out Past Mark’s Sermon on Toxic relationships. This is a topic that I can say with almost 100% certainty affects each and every one of us part of the military life style. There are not many things that my wife and I have found that holds our family back, but toxic relationships are very high on our list. This sermon speaks to issues that my wife and I had to personally deal with a few years ago. Our lives, our, marriage, and our personal walks with Christ have flourished since we dumped the toxicity we had in our life. I really hope and pray, that this message will be beneficial to you.

I invite you to join Triple Hares this week and check out Pastor Mark in the link below.

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