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My Story

Hello everyone. My name is Kirsten Statham. I am from Altavista, Virginia, the mother of three daughters, and a cosmetologist by trade. I partnered with my husband and our friends to help start Triple Hares to help solve the problems I have faced personally as a spouse and mother serving alongside my husband in the Marine Corps. I found that the one thing a military spouse is not short of is the challenges that are to be faced daily. These constantly changing challenges became exhausting! I would have to scourge Facebook spouse social pages and reach out to my husband's command for answers to questions I could not find any other way. This left me feeling hopeless and in the way of my husband's career, as I thought I was a constant bother on his command. 


I later found a community of spouses that all faced the same challenges and feelings I had. These spouses encouraged me to know I was not alone in my battles, but it did not necessarily solve the challenges. Triple Hares is tackling the challenges with our veterans' wives at the helm of Triple Hares, guiding our outreach. Triple Hares isn't just another veteran organization; we are an Organization for Veteran spouses and children. Join our other spouses and me in helping each other out and building a society of support that can only be provided by other spouses like us. 


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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